
Here are some quotes I gathered related to the Mahamudra term "suchness":

All the Victor’s teachings, be they sūtras or tantras, teach the methods for realizing suchness, the abiding state of phenomena. The intention of his teachings is to lead us to suchness. The culmination of practice ends up being suchness. All his instructions, no matter what mode they are, profound or vast, are directed towards suchness.
     — Dakpo Tashi Namgyal, Moonbeams of Mahamudra 

Śāriputra, someone who cultivates the samādhi of suchness for just [the amount of time it takes] to snap their fingers increases their merit more than someone who listens [to the dharma] for even as long as an eon. Śāriputra, it is for this reason that I strenuously recommend this samādhi of suchness to others.
     — The Sūtra Revealing Suchness

Meditate with certainty that everything, inanimate and animate, grasses, twigs, vines and all, have no other nature than your own: genuine suchness. 

Like the way a river’s current flows or a candle’s flame is bound, yogins and yoginīs remain continually in the yoga of suchness, day and night.
     — The Hevajra Tantra

The importance of remaining in naturalness is inexpressible.
This is the mother of all buddhas of the three times.

     — The Tantra of Nonabiding Suchness

...Wise people who are immersed in genuine being,  
Aware of reality and [its] ineffability,
Are free within the Expanse,
The suchness in which there is no causality.
     — Longchen Rabjam, The Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding

When you realize your own suchness, even the distracted mind is mahāmudrā. 

» Contemplative Glossary